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Mobile Edition


October 1999


Today I learned about the Schwartzian Transform... WOW! I feel so powerful now... More great Perl Recipes to look at...

The one thing I *really really* want from MacPerl is to be able to step through the debugger, like in Frontier. That is, without a doubt, one of the coolest features of Frontier...

I really want Mozilla to succeed. I'm of the feeling that if navigator eventually goes away, or becomes AOL'd in some way, our choices are Opera (costs money) and Mozilla (not quite ready for primetime), or Internet Explorer. So while The stakes are high! Do you really want *one* company (Microsoft or not) pretty much defining the web browsing experience? Not me... And if you use some platform besides Windows, you probably don't either. So for now I'll be using Navigator/Communicator, and keeping an eye on MozillaZine...

Mozilla isn't just Navigator as an open source piece of software. It's really an amazing thing! I think any web developer or programmer would find Mozilla a fascinating bit of code. It's a glimpse into the future of what a web browser could be...

So about that JonBenet Ramsey murder case, did they ever think about getting Scooby Doo and his pals on the case? They seem to solve *any* mystery they come up against...

It's still October (at least where I'm sitting when I type this) and NBC is already showing re-runs! Yes, they're re-runs, and not "encore presentations." When did the fall season start, September maybe? geez...

We now have a fish in the Rasterboy Enterprises World HQ, his name is 'toothbrush' there was another fish which we called 'upside-down fish' because, well, he kinda floated upside down at the top with his belly sticking out of the water. He wasn't dead, just sort of, crippled or something. Anyway we found his presence to be 'most disturbing' so he went away... Hopefully we can get a treasure chest, and maybe on of those divers, oh, and some more fish! (The fish, tank, and supplies were generously donated by the Chase-Dobiash family.)

I wish we could find a little SpongeBob to put in the tank, now that would be cool...


Weird... I got a phone call today, and the guy paused for a second, and then asked, "Is this the 'bureau'?" I said "no" and hung up.... hmmm, I wonder if he wanted the 'federal bureau of investigation' or that 'other' bureau... He didn't say the passphrase so-crap! I've said too much!

Today I got an email from New Media, the subject line was "We have crystal balls!" ...I found it oddly disturbing...

Hey Marc! What happened to the shorts and T-shirt?

I found this 'alta vista' page amusing...

How's your Mac uptime? I'm running Mac OS 8.6 and I've been getting pretty good uptimes, (I did with 8.5.1 too) It's pretty common to see uptimes of 100+ hours, and remember - this is a desktop machine, not a server (although it does run as a web server.) I'm in and out of a lot of different apps all day, including beta and unstable stuff. I know 100 hours doesn't compare to your Linux box, but my Mac can do lots of thing Linux can't ;)

From what I can remember, System 7.5.x often had uptimes of a few hours for me, on some days anyway, so this is quite an improvement...

Usually this time of the year I've got photos of my MacPumpkins, but we haven't cut them up yet this year... Hmmm, seen any Linux pumpkins yet? Maybe featuring Tux? Or what about the Pumpkin OS? Maybe I'll figure out a Perl Pumpkin of some kind, there's more that one way to carve it!

I stumbled on these cool After Y2K! comics, here's a good one, here's a good one and check out the Archives for more fun...

See you at Abacus World Expo! (no slide rules please!)

I should have got this one here sooner! MrBarrett sent me this link to download MacJesus, which I mentioned a while back... he also sent this link, and this one... some pretty wild stuff, avoid these links if you're easily offended...


Ok, I'm hip to epinions, the concept is very cool... I've even written a review on the Palm III and one on Jaz drives...

I got an email today from the Gap that said: "Get your own gapkids.com floppy disk case with your next purchase of $50 or more." ok, actually the wife got it, but anyway - I thought floppy disks were obsolete? That's what Steve Jobs told us, and isn't he on the board at the Gap, and isn't the Gap head-honcho on the board at Apple? Someone ain't talking to someone. Oh, and who in their right mind would attempt to spend $50 just for a floppy disk case!?!?


New use for the iMac DV: We've all seen those videotapes, where some moron decides it would be 'neat' to tape themselves doing a crime, well, now with the new iMac DV they can videotape themselves, load it onto their iMac, edit the video, making themselves 'anonymous' with blurred faces, black bars, and what have you (hey, they can even add sound effects, fades and credits!) then output it to tape. Ta-da!

Thinking of switching from unix to NT? Ask GWB how it went.

Perl does it again!

Another IE security hole - and IE is supposedly the more popular browser? Geez, thanks but no thanks... I'm just glad I use one of those 'obscure' platforms that's inherently more secure...


I found this Fugazi FAQ though it seems a bit outdated...

There's also an OPIV page at the same site, and a link to this old SF Examiner article in which we learn that Lawrence Livermore's real name is Lawrence Hayes? This just makes things *more* cornfuzing... and, there's also a quote from 'Dr. Frank' from MTX... heh... and, we see the difference between Jesse and that Billie Joe guy, kinda like good and evil, and of course, we learn that Jesse, just like Tim Burton, and Pat Hotlen, turned to graphic design...

My search for very small records turned up this page, which oddly enough, does contain 'very small records'

BTW, I was looking for info on Sleep (the band, not the nighttime activity most people enjoy)

CHU is Coffee Haters United! And Coffee Haters United Must Prevail! Did you ever wonder why 'coffin' and 'coffee' sound so similar? Or why 'cream' and 'cremation' are almost the same thing? Because coffee kills millions everyday, we mourn the losses but we do nothing to stop this deadly killer... END COFFEE NOW!

I plan to open my Anti-Coffee-Shop soon, featuring everything you need to wage the battle againt the evil beverage, and yes, it will be called Apollo...

(I forgot to put 'the lines have been drawn' in the above line...)

April 1st, or science fiction? - this article *must* be a joke, really! I can't read it and believe it is true... First of all Joe, most of the complaints you toss Apple's way are double-up style headed towards Microsoft and Intel. I've still got a PowerComputing PowerBase that I got '30 months ago', and guess what? It still works! YEah, so how did I get screwed on that deal? It still does what I need it to do... I steered a few people towards PowerComputing while the cloners were around, and they're all still happy today... You actually told people to buy a MacTV!? Sheesh! Do you know *anything* about computers? I've steered people towards iMacs - they're all happy, and believe it or not, I can't remember the last time I used a floppy disk at home... The iMac - guess what? People love them, they're easy to set-up, easy to use, easy on the eyes, easy on the ears (now with no annoying fan!) I'm assuming the HP had a much worse looking monitor, and did it have a modem? How many cables to plug in? How portable is it? Someone actually typed: "Windows is heaven." Now *THAT* I will never believe ;-}

Now I get it! The iMac completely sucks! That's why it was the fastest selling desktop computer! That's why it sold however many million it did in it's first year... of course!

Just felt like -+ranting+- today... must be the deadlines...

Gee, Microsoft thought a Mac was good enough for their annual report, right?


Try the Alien language encoder from Futurama...

  (the above says 'rasterweb')

Did Microsoft author it's annual report document on a Mac? Well, you know what they say, when you have something important you need done fast, don't use Windows ;)

I've updated the Search page, it now includes the Monthly Archive...


The new iMacs look *very* nice. Now if I could find one of the old, slow 233 Mhz iMacs for around $500, that'd be cool...

You know, I've always wanted all of my computer equipment to be black. Jobs closest hit to the mark was the NeXT stuff, so here's what I want - a barely translucent graphite colored Mac with lots of blinking lights inside. Those lights rule! Das Blinken Lights! One of the coolest things about the original BeBox was the lights on the front... I mean come on! These new iMacs are so damn quiet since there's no fan, that you need some way to know they're working hard for you...

Kiss my iAss!

Oh, 'National Techies Day" was yesterday - oops, missed it... no one gave me any great accolades or recognition...

I read about CoSource a while back and finally got to check it out, it looks very cool, a great idea, eh?

I hate when my memory is all fuzzy... this Fu Man Chu isn't the same one from the bay area (yes, lowercase is fine for that) who used to be, hmmm, virulence? No, was that them... confusion... help? ugh...

Jesux reminds me a little of MacJesus... (hmm, need a link to *that* treasure!;)

Oh, I forgot about this one! I saw a Red Hat bumper sticker a while back - I was slightly floored! You see plenty of Apple stickers on car (especially downtown where I work) but seeing a Red Hat sticker made me double - no - triple-take!

"Bring it around town... Bring it A-R-O-U-N-D town..."

Tim has told me that Pat Hotlen lives somewhere near Madison, and he lives with Erin, who I think, was originally from Milwaukee... Pat was in Natural Cause, whose song Mess was completely unstoppable, and contrary to what Jerry says, I don't believe Natural Cause killed his grandmother...


September Updates

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  Last Modified: 12.14.2000 by rasterboy